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| --> February 19, 2024 | Myra Scripts, Nucleic Acid Extraction


SPRIselect reagent was developed for the purification of specific ranges of DNA fragments from PCR, endonuclease digestions, ligations, library preparations, adapter removal etc. It utilises proprietary bead technology to selectively bind nucleic acids whereby the ratio of the magnetic beads controls what is retained on the beads and what remains in the supernatant. This allows for specific cutoffs that can be modified to suit reaction clean-up, left-sided, right-sided, or even double-sided size selection. Size selections can be performed quickly and easily to produce high-quality DNA suitable for highly sensitive applications including NGS, Cloning and Fragment Analysis. As the workflow uses beads, it makes it automation friendly. By automating the cleanup process, it provides a standardised workflow for improved results as well as reduction in costly errors and hands-on time.

This protocol automates SPRIselect reagent for to 24 samples on the Myra using the Myra 96 Well Magnetic Station.

More information on the protocol can be found via Download the Protocol PDF.

Revision History

19 February 2024Initial version